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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tired of Rain

Well, we are very tired of this rain. Our plants are not complaining except that they are more crowded with the thriving weeds.  Joe, Meagan and Ryan have been doing a lot of finger-weeding of grass in all of the beds and things are starting to look pretty clean again. Our “paths” between the rows of vegetable beds are planted in cover crop, soaking up a lot of the soil moisture and saving the beds from becoming too saturated and susceptible to fungal problems. All in all the vegetables in the ground are doing well.
The vegetables that are still not yet IN the ground are our main concern since rains have prevented plowing and/or planting for weeks now.   Luckily, just minutes before the last big storm, Todd had decided the soil was just barely able to tolerate a tilling and hopped on the tractor.  He got about halfway done when those dark clouds came and drove him inside. 
It is easy and hypnotizing to see storms coming when there is so much sky, but it is often hard to guess how fast they are coming and how severe.  Which is part of the fascination, I suppose, and the danger.
Enjoy the full moon and stay away from lightning.

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