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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet the Interns

Meet Peasant's Plot 2010 interns Joe & Meagan!
We are originally Chicagoland natives who spent a number of years in Central Wisconsin. We both graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Stevens Point, and while we were in college we became more and more concerned about the food system as a whole: where our food came from, the quality and diversity of ingredients, and what exactly we were putting in our bodies. Some pamphlets for a local CSA caught our eye, and we signed up to be worker shares for the 2007 season. The worker share opportunity was our first introduction to diversified organic farming, and it was a life-changing experience for us. The next season Joe was a part-time intern on the farm, working every weekday for about 4 or 5 hours. I worked 2 jobs at the time, assisting adults with disabilities and as the director of a child care center, but tried to make it out to the farm as much as possible.
By the end of 2008 it became obvious that we wanted to further our education in organic farming, and we applied for full time internships on a CSA in Western North Carolina. In March 2009 we packed up our cars and 2 kitties and went to live in the mountains. Throughout the season we learned most of the ins and outs of farming, as well as the many components of market sales.
The initial plan had been to relocate to North Carolina permanently, but ultimately wanting to live near our friends and family won out over the beauty of Appalachia. We spent the winter working sporadically trimming trees in Connecticut and researching farming opportunities for the upcoming season. We were so excited to have found Peasant's Plot online and are even more thrilled to be here. It feels great to have our hands in the dirt again!
It is definitely our dream to one day have a farm of our own, but for the moment we are focused on just living, learning, and enjoying the adventure.
Thanks for supporting local farmers and their interns!

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