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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We are counting down the days until June.  Some crops are already seeded in the ground, having been put in right before the deluge last week.  Other crops are seedlings ready to be transplanted as soon as the soil is ready.  It has been an unusually cold spring, so we are really hoping for some sun and some warmth to speed things along!  If that happens, spinach is right around the corner:

This winter we participated in a CSA Fair, a Talent Show, and represented the farm at several craft fairs in Chicago.  Todd talked up the farm while I hocked wares such as my recipe card dividers below.  Look forward to a project a friend and I have started to create actual recipe cards for in between these:

We have so much to look forward to!  Here's a vegetable montage from past years:

And...Merle, our beloved dog.

More updating next week and in the weeks to come!