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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Todd and Tractors

January has sped by us with most of our goals accomplished.  One looming task for Todd in February is the huge overhaul he is undertaking on the tractor.  It will involve sweat and swearing but is a job necessary to our business.  Almost nothing is more important than the tractor.  Todd had a dream recently in which we had moved to a mountain village in Colorado.  I guess the main emotion in the dream was the sadness he felt in not having tillable ground, not needing the tractor.  So there is both love and headache when it comes to John Deere.  One of Todd's favorite things I think is when he is on the tractor in the spring because all kinds of birds fly alongside, investigating the upturned soil behind him.
With spring coming sooner than we think, we are still accepting and seeking members to our CSA, both the Worker Share version and the paid subscription.  We are welcoming many people who are completley new to the CSA experience this season and are looking forward to making new friends.